Products and Prices

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  admin 9 years ago.

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  • #2935


    Hi all,

    See this topic for a up to date listing of our Products and Prices.

    To purchase the sharefinder 5 professional is R5000 (once off)

    The supplemental data + Prospects is R1150 (if bought together)

    Else Separately
    Supplemental = R700
    Prospects = R650

    Supplemental data is company fundamental data (Dividends, earnings per share, year end data etc) that the ShareFinder program can use to make more accurate market analysis and predictions.

    You will need to contact ether investor data or sharenet for your daily data downloads
    Investor data Number = 021 7851977
    Sharenet Number = 021 7004800

    Either one is fine, but sharenet is cheaper.

    We also have 6 Months 1 year
    Short term daily recommendation R400 R700
    Medium term daily recommendation R400 R700
    Medium term weekly recommendation R300 R500

    There are a few books for sale, please check our website to chose the ones you want. (

    Books generally go for R130 each.
    International shipping is extra. (Outside of South Africa)

    If you are interested in any of our Products or Services, drop us an email at

    RCIS Team

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