Making Money With The Mutuals

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Table of Contents

1 Foreword

3 Chapter One

Why you can no longer afford to just leave your money lying in a fixed investment, why it pays to invest in a Unit Trust, and why it pays to pay attention to South Africa’s economic cycles.

9 Chapter Two

The twelve questions most commonly asked by investors and the standard answers provided by the Association of Unit Trusts.

15 Chapter Three

Questions you should ask yourself and some arithmetic tests that will enable you to choose the fastest-growing fund… and computer printouts of these calculations relating to all the general funds.

33 Chapter Four

How to multiply your profits by keying into the economic cycle, by avoiding schemes that benefit the fund management companies rather than yourself and by buying and selling at the right time.

43 Chapter Five

Developing some tests which will help you to decide which type of fund to invest in and to gauge the correct time to buy and sell. An index of fund performance, relative strength graphing, logarithmic comparisons and a practical example of how to use them, and moving averages.

71 Chapter Six

Comparison graphs; my favourite means of picking out the top performers.

81 Chapter Seven

Recognising patterns in graphs and understanding what they can tell the investor about the future.

95 Chapter Eight

Tests that the professionals use to improve their competitive edge.

119 Chapter Nine

The ‘Game Plan’ which enables you to put together everything you have learned in this book into a systematic profit-making process.

127 Chapter Ten

Methods of avoiding tax and boosting your unit trust income.

133 Chapter Eleven

The industry’s own index and how to make use of it.

137 The Final Word

How Richard Cluver Investment Services can assist you with computer programmes, books and other publications designed to help you grow richer.

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