ShareFinder 5 Holiday File Download and Install Instructions

To download and install Sharefinder 5’s holiday file successfully, please follow these instructions step by step:


  • Once the file has downloaded, open a folder and locate Downloads under My PC in the left-hand pane of the folder window.
  • The file will need to be extracted. If using Windows 10, you can double click and right-click on the HOLIDAYS.SFI file inside and select Copy. If not using Windows 10 please use WinRAR, which you can download from this link: WinRar Download

Sharefinder 5 is by default installed to the following locations:
InvestorData users:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ShareFinder\DBase2 or C:\Program Files\ShareFinder\DBase2
ShareNet users:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ShareFinder\Sharenet or C:\Program Files\ShareFinder\Sharenet

  • Go to the ShareFinder default location.
  • Right-click somewhere in the folder and select Paste.
  • It will ask you if you want to copy over an existing file, say yes.
Please note: On some computers, you may also be asked for administrator/security permission to paste the file. This is normal, choose ‘Yes’ or ‘Accept’.