The Greatest Secret of Wealth: Thrift, the pocket money habit,motivation, the power of compound interest, and a practical plan to make you a million before you are 40.
How to beat the twin enemies of inflation and taxation.
Understanding how the financial institutions work … and how to turn this to your practical advantage.
Goal-setting and how to develop an investment strategy that coincides with it.
Knowing where you are going is half the battle, but how are you going to get there?
Designing a practical budget, learning how to use it and, more important, how to live with it.
Now it’s time to go back to the start and practically re-design your goals.
Making interest rates work for you.
Now you have a capital sum to invest. It is time to consider your investment options.
Time to assess you own attitude to risk and to take a look at offshore investments.
Unit trusts are the first stepping stone. Choosing the right fund and learning how to correctly time your buying and selling decisions.
Cash investments, fixed interest investments, gilts, the securities market, and gilt options.
All about insurance and assurance, policy duration, creating tax shelters, annuities, and how to measure assurance company performance.
All about property investment, buying a house, whether to buy or to renovate, the best way to payoff a bond, commercial property, syndication’s.
The stock market, shares, all about stockbrokers, what does it cost, placing an order, types of deals, types of securities, the market cycle, how to identify a true blue chip, when cheap is expensive, how to pick the winners.
Putting it all together: a summary and a guide to investment philosophy.
A comprehensive range of books, computer programmes and investment services you can call upon.